Loading my behind the scenes work...

A lot of work goes into what you do. I document all the steps, from the making of process through the opening and further events, so you can give your audience a glimpse behind the curtain.

Behind the Scenes

'23 Theodoor Rombouts - BTS - Horizontaal

Behind the Scenes

Bram Vanderbeke - ‘Pragmatic Sculptures’

Behind the Scenes

‘Concerto for Two Cannons, a Saw, an Anvil and some Hammers’.

Behind the Scenes

Ep. 3: Testrun | Van Eyck: Een optische Revolutie

Behind the Scenes

Ep. 2: Preparing the halls | Van Eyck: Een optische Revolutie

Behind the Scenes

Ep. 1: Pre-production | Van Eyck: Een optische Revolutie

Behind the Scenes

Olivier Strelli W19